Coffee lovers in Chicago, I almost forgot to report back on an amazing cafe experience! I am not sure how this happened, but as I was scrolling through my pictures I stumbled upon the cafe shots I took and realized I never wrote about my trip! It was a very impromptu trip that Danny actually pleasantly surprised me with, but all the same how could I let this slip past me!?
Better late than never right? Our trip this morning took us to Mustache Cafe in Logan Square.
This is a cute little cafe tucked on a corner with a lot of big name restaurants and shops, that if you weren’t looking for it you might just miss it! But trust me so worth the stop. When we entered it almost felt as if we stepped into a plant/boutique shop. Cute nick nacks and decoration all over and plants filling all the window space.
Not a busy morning here today luckily, so we were able to sneak right up there and evaluate what from the menu we wanted.
Per our usual and I wish I could report we try other things, but honey is our go too. Menus should almost stop listing it since we would almost always stop there and order it.
Two honey lattes to go please!
Mustache Cafe would 100% be the neighborhood hang during healthier days. You can tell the space would normally be set up with tables sprinkled all over the place, good music playing in the background and quite the food menu options for light breakfast/lunch bites.
We were tempted by a few of the breakfast sandwiches, but with only two baristas behind the counter and a small line started it from behind us, we didn’t want to have people waiting on us or feeling rushed/overwhelmed.
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I appreciate how you always back up your points with solid evidence.
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For en flott historie! Jeg er så glad for at du delte den. Dataene du ga var både praktiske og enkle å forstå. Din evne til å forenkle ellers vanskelige ideer er sterkt verdsatt. Enhver som er interessert i å lære mer om dette emnet vil dra stor nytte av å lese dette.
Your post is both informative and interesting; I appreciate it. Your writing approach simplifies otherwise difficult subjects. Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed information. For anyone interested in this topic, this is an excellent resource.
Thank you for this comprehensive and engaging article. Your clear and concise writing style makes it easy to follow along, even with more complex topics. I learned a lot from this post and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Keep up the great work!
An exceptionally well-researched and enlightening piece of writing. The concept was easily grasped because to your clear and succinct explanations; the examples provided were also quite useful. Your views and knowledge are much appreciated.
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I found this post to be very informative and well-organized. Your detailed analysis and clear explanations make it a pleasure to read. The practical examples you included were particularly helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
This post is excellent! Your detailed analysis and engaging writing style make it a pleasure to read. I learned a lot from this article and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.
Great piece! Anyone with even a passing interest in the subject should read your in-depth analysis and explanations. Your inclusion of examples and practical ideas is really appreciated. We appreciate you being so kind with your time and expertise.
What a great post! I learned a lot from it. Your analysis is quite thorough, and I really enjoy reading your work. This is a great post that I will be using again and again because of how much I learnt from it. You are doing an excellent job.
Excellent post! Your thorough analysis and clear explanations make this a must-read for anyone interested in the topic. I appreciate the practical tips and examples you included. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us.
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What a superb work! It is a delight to read your insightful analysis presented in an interesting way. Your use of concrete instances to back up your claims is really appreciated. I appreciate you taking the time to share this helpful information.
Excellent post! Your detailed analysis and engaging writing style make this a must-read for anyone interested in the topic. I appreciate the practical tips and examples you included. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us.
I really appreciate the way you explained this.
What a superb piece of writing! Both the thoroughness and lucidity of your analysis are much appreciated. Your data was both practical and pertinent. This is a post that I will return to at a later date. Your knowledge and insight are much appreciated.
This really changed the way I think about this subject.
This post is full of helpful tips and insights—great work.
This post is very enlightening! Your clear and concise writing style makes it easy to grasp even the more complex aspects of the topic. I appreciate the practical tips and examples you provided. Thank you for taking the time to create such a valuable resource.
I appreciate how in-depth your explanation is here.
Your writing always adds value to the conversation—thanks!
You’ve provided a lot of helpful insights in this post.
This post provided some really helpful insights—well done!
Your article was well-organized and informative—great work!
This is a subject I’ve been wanting to learn more about, thanks!
This is one of the best explanations I’ve seen on this subject.
You’ve covered the topic very thoroughly—great work!
This article has been so helpful—thanks for sharing!
I love the clarity and detail in this article, well done!
Your article really hit home for me—thank you!
This really helped clarify things for me.
You’ve done an amazing job with this article.
Great post, I’ll definitely be sharing this with others.
Your explanations are always so easy to follow, thank you.
This content really stands out, thank you!
This post is full of great tips and advice—thank you!